Seven continents were ruled by four gods and three goddesses. These deities were chosen by a higher status figure to preserve mankind. Three of the four gods were powerful, and one of the three goddesses was powerful. These deities were divided in order to keep everyone in line. These deities were created by the higher status figure, which to mankind was unknown; they were all like siblings, born on the same day, and served the same purpose, and made by the same creator. These deities represented what the higher-status figure considered ‘elements essential for preservation.’ The elements were fire, levitation, creation, earth, water, flight, and magic. The god of fire was named Ignatius. He was the ruler of the continent Pyr. Another name for the god of fire was the god of the sun. The god of levitation, Amaris, was the ruler of the continent Mene. He was also called the god of the moon. The goddess of creation, by the name of Vida, was the ruler of the continent Bios. And was also called the goddess of life. The god of earth, named Azibo, was also known as the god of agriculture and was the ruler of the continent Agros. The god of water was named Bourne; he was also known as the god of weather, and he was the ruler of the continent Kairos. The goddess of flight, Evangelina, was also known as the goddess of wind, and she was the ruler of the continent Anemoi. The goddess of magic, named Mieko, was also known as the goddess of protection, and she was the ruler of the continent Aegis.
Respectably, the colors to represent each element were red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink. Each deity equally mattered; they had another alike purpose: raise their kingdoms. Each deity had a spirit, which is what granted them their powers; they had dragon spirits.
However, the continent that the higher-status figure gave to the goddess Mieko was already being ruled by a family, they had their own kingdom. Simply, she ruled beside them.
The eldest son of the family was named Inei. The youngest was named Ryuji. By some miracle, both Inei and Ryuji woke up with dragon spirits; it was believed that the higher status figure made a mistake, since the higher status figure assigned the powers because the deities were divine, so heaven must’ve confused Inei and Ryuji as gods, since they were the heirs of the kingdom that was meant to be for the goddess Mieko. For some reason, their father, the king, did not get a spirit. Inei had unknown powers, but Ryuji had every power all the deities had combined. The higher-status figure saw Inei as useless since the powers he held were unknown and weren’t part of his preservation plan.
So the father of both Inei and Ryuji favored Ryuji since the higher-status figure saw him as more valuable. Ryuji became the king and fell in love with the queen, Mieko, so together they ruled, now as one family. Queen Mieko had blonde hair and beautiful hazel eyes, with starry freckles on her beautiful face. King Ryuji had sapphire eyes and grey hair. They bore a son, Ajin, with his father's eyes and hair and his mother's starry freckles and soft features, even her light skin.
Carts of fruits, vegetables, and fabrics pass by as a little boy stumbles, covered in dirt, frayed rags. His sand brown hair matted in sweat and dirt, with Persian green, with a mole on his cheek under his right eye, his eyes racing, avoiding rocks and glass on and within the sandy floor, his arms covered in loosely wrapped bandages, along with his legs and left thigh. He stumbles barefoot and holds his hands near his chest. He coughs profusely and collapses near glass. “I'm hungry, but I don’t have any food left, and I used my coins on wraps for my wounds." The boy lamented within himself. He gets up slowly, being careful not to touch the broken glass scattered in the sand. “Make way; his highness, king Ryuji, is coming through.” A man, plated in royal armor, states to everyone within earshot. He is a guard of the royal palace where the king, future god, Ryuji, lives. The man in armor, with dark brown hair, and through his eye window can be seen piercing black eyes, which glare at everyone. “Move boys.” States another man in royal armor; this was said to a group of boisterous young boys, teens, who played in the sand; this time through his eye window, it can be seen his eyes are light brown and his hair, black, this and dark skin. “Didn’t you hear, boy? Move now.” The guard exclaimed, looking at the boy in bandages. The boy, who wasn’t in the group of teenage boys, didn’t know it applied to him, so he had not moved. “I’m sorry, sir.” The boy shied as he backed up, feeling his feet being pierced by sharp glass; even still, he moved back further as to not be in the way.
On the carriage of King Ryuji, he sits with perfect posture. The carriage, gold, white, and beige, its wheels, though now with sand, glimmer as the sun's rays hit the metal. People outside the carriage watch in awe as they cheer and shout, "It's the king!" The rest happily whisper and stare; seeing the king in person is an honor to the people. Many clasp their hands together and pray for good fortune, wealth, and health, as the king is seen as a god of everything due to having the spirit Riki, a black dragon. This black dragon grants King Ryuji abilities, which include the powers of fire, levatation, creation, earth, water, flight, and magic. Next to the king, a small boy. With king Ryuji’s hair color, and eye color. His son, his blue sapphire eyes looking down at the crowds of people. His long, gray hair, swaying in the hot wind, but his hair isn’t plated with sweat, he is in the shade of the carriage; that isn’t none of his worries, his light skin with freckles like his mother, and his clean clothing, all under the shade. But yet he wonders to himself, “Why are they treating him that way?” This thought spurred at the sight of the boy being told to move and his tiny feet being stabbed with sharp glass. This thought intrigued king Ryuji’s spirit, the black dragon. The spirit answers within the boy’s consciousness, “Master Ajin, he is of lower status, he is always treated this way, why do you ask?” The boy then looked at the spirit, who had come out of his father's chest. By the name of Riki, the boy holds a mad expression: "Well, I don’t like that, he looks my age."
He then turns to face his father, “Dadddd, he is being mean to him, tell him not to!” Ajin yells to his father as he points to the guard. “If that's what you’d like, Ajin, ey, you,” King Ryuji said as he looked at Ajin, then to the guard as he snapped his fingers and got the guard’s attention. "Yes, your highness.” The guard states as he bows. “Do not touch the boy.”
“Yes, your highness.” The guard answers back. “What else would you like, son?” King Ryuji asks as he turns to face his son, Ajin, now with a smile on his face, "Umm, can I just go down to see him?”
“Sure, son, would you like an escort?”
“No dad.”
“Ok, I’ll give you a few minutes son, the guards are making way for us to pass to the mountaintop.”
“Ok dad.” Ajin consented as he jumped off the carriage, his handcrafted shoes disturbing the sand. He walked forward towards the boy; the boy, startled, moved back slowly, the glass still under his feet piercing them further. "Wait, please don't move, you're injured." Ajin sentimented; the sand now had spots of red, blood. “Boy, move closer to your highness, he wants to speak with you.” The brown-eyed, black-haired royal guard stated as he glared at the boy, shaken the boy, inched forward, and covered his face. “Do not talk to him!” Ajin scolded the guard, "Yes, your highness.”
Ajin turned to face the boy once again. “Umm, hi there,” Ajin muttered as he did a small wave to the boy, the boy lifted his head a bit to face Ajin, one of his eyes peaked a look at Ajin and covered his face again. “Umm hello..” The boy mumbled, “My name is Ajin, what is your name?” Ajin gushed, happy the boy answered, “I don't have a name.” The boy replied as he lowered his arms to his sides and looked down, Ajin being an absolute genius, he decided he’d name the boy, “Ummm, what about... mmmhhh, Akimatsu? It is the name of my favorite stuffed dragon, it means bright light!” Great name-giver, of course.
“Oh… ok, sure, Akimatsu.” Akimatsu conceded as he let Ajin see his eyes by looking up at him, then down, seeing he was slightly taller than Ajin, “Why are you covering your face with bandages?” Ajin asked, now getting a good look at Akimatsu, his face dirty, sweaty, and bandaged, “Oh, I get hurt a lot.”
“But your arms too.”
“I cover them as well, and my legs.”
"Oh, but your hair, its so pretty!” Ajin gushed, getting closer to Akimatsu and feeling a strand of his hair.
“Oh, do you think...?”
“Know so.” Ajin smiled, and Akimatsu’s face slowly formed a smile.
“Son, let's go now.” King Ryuji demaded, looking down from the carriage, "Uh, ok, ummmm, would you like to come with me?” Ajin said to his father, then asked Akimatsu. “I don't want to be a bother, are you sure it's ok?” Akimatsu asked, darting his eyes to king Ryuji, then Ajin.
"Dadddd, can he come with us?” Ajin asked, turning to his father, “No son, his parents will worry.” King Ryuji reasonably stated, thinking of how he’d react to someone taking his child. Stubborn as Ajin is, he turned to Akimatsu and asked, “Do you think your parents would be ok with it?”
“I don't have parents, so I think it would be ok.” Akimatsu muttered. “Dad, he has no parents; can he come?”
"Umm, sure, why do you want him to come?” King Ryuji asked, astonished. Ajin spoke oh so calmly, too calmly, "Ummmmm, he is looking for a job? Right?” Ajin replied, elbowing Akimatsu, "Well, I have been.” Akimatsu implored while scratching the back of his neck. Ajin looked at him with questions, “Oh, what can you do?” King Ryuji teased, knowing Ajin just wanted him to come, “I know how to clean, sir.”
King Ryuji thought for a moment, the child was being serious. “What do you think, Riki?” King Ryuji asked within himself, in his conscious, “I believe having a child the age of Ajin around would be good for him, plus, he can be sheltered in the castle, and can earn his living by cleaning; I believe it is a good idea.” Riki said to king Ryuji within his consciousness; he continued, “I think Ajin just wants a friend.” Riki finished.
“Alright, he can come along.” King Ryuji said to the two boys, lifting his hands in defeat, "Ok, Akimatsu, come!” Ajin beamed, grabbing Akimatsu’s hand and pulling him into the carriage, “Isn't that the name of your plush son?”
“I named him Akimatsu as well!”
King Ryuji turned with confusion to Akimatsu, “Boy, what is your name?”
“No, ummm, the one that my son didn’t give you.”
“I have no name, sir.”
“Oh, uh, right, ok then, Akimatsu it is, you’ll be staying with us.”
“Thank you, sir.” Akimatsu said, bowing his head to king Ryuji.
“Uh, you can call me father if you’d like, since you have none-“ King Ryuji added, slowly realizing how bad it sounded, “I'd love to, sir—I mean, father, thank you.” Akimatsu piped with a smile.
While heading to the mountaintop, Ajin helped king Ryuji bandage Akimatsu’s feet, which were bleeding from the glass. Afterwards, they all gazed at the beautiful scenery, reaching up to the mountaintop. Ajin pointed out all the surroundings.
“That over there is a mountain top, do you know what a mountain top is?” Ajin asked Akimatsu, pointing to the mountaintop they were heading to, “The top of a mountain?” Akimatsu questioned yet stated slowly, hoping he was right, “Yes! Good job!” Ajin praised.
“Well, as long as Ajin doesn’t nag me with his questions, I’m fine, I won't dare say a word so he doesn’t remember I’m even here.” King Ryuji thought to himself, "Akimatsu, are you hungry?” Ajin asked Akimatsu, touching his own belly, feeling famished, “Umm, yes…” Akimatsu felt the hunger coming back to him, remembering food existed, "Dad, we are hungry, can you get us food?”
“I can ask a guard to go get you both some food, if you’d like.” King Ryuji replied back to the two hungry boys staring at him.
“Oh yes, we’d like that, but nowwww!” Ajin whined.
"Yes, son, hey, you,” King Ryuji said to his son, then motioned for a guard to come to him.
“Yes, your highness.”
“Get my son—I mean, sons, food.”
“Yes, what would they like, your highness?” The guard asked king Ryuji, king Ryuji turned to look at Ajin and Akimatsu for an answer.
“What would you like, Akimatsu?” Ajin asked,
“Umm… food?” Akimatsu muttered in a confused tone, he never learned names of foods, he’d just eat what was edible, so anything was food.
“Ok, we would like food!” Ajin exclaimed back happily to the guard. “Umm…. alright, your highness.” The guard fretted, with the vague answer he got, he didn’t know what to get them, but he dared not ask again in front of the king. The king seeing the struggle the guard would go through in getting the food, considering his picky son Ajin, he knew he was going to have to step in, “Just get sweets, 2 soups, and plenty of rice, maybe throw in a few fruits for good measure.” The king said to the guard in a whisper.
"Yes, your highness, thank you, I’ll be right back.” Relieved, the guard said, bowing as he left to fetch the food.
A few minutes went by, and king Ryuji saw the guard coming back with a basket, “Ajin and, uh, Akimatsu, I'll be back, you both stay here, ok?” King Ryuji said to the boys as he put his hand on the handle to exit the carriage. “Don’t worry, dad, I'll take care of Akimatsu; you can go!”
"Alright, son, you take care of him well then.”
“Yes, now, shuw, give us our food!” Ajin said to his father and turned to the guard, reaching out for the basket. King Ryuji got off, and the guard put down the basket for Ajin. "Yes, your highness, here it is.”
“Alright..” King Ryuji said out loud to himself, “He sure is arrogant today.” He thought to himself. “Excuse me, me and Akimatsu need a table and chairs!” Ajin exclaimed.
“Uhh, yes, your highness, I'll bring you both some.”
“I have to demand so I look cool!” Ajin thought, looking at Akimatsu, seeing the guard go away to fetch the table and chairs.
“Can I eat, please?” Akimatsu asked. “So you don’t need the a chair and table?” Ajin asked, “Well, no, I eat on the ground, and I’m super hungry, but if you want, I can wait.” Akimatsu said embarrassed, remembering he was talking to royalty and asking for anything was an offense, and displaying his pitifulness worse. “Well then, let’s eat!” Ajin exclaimed. “Are you sure?” Akimatsu asked, “Of course, we are hungry, aren’t we?”
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