5 episodes
Episode 1
Main Prologue: Mother
Jan 16, 20154.9k views
Episode 2
Main Prologue: Mother (pt.2)
May 03, 20151.3k views
Episode 3
1. Sanctuary pt.1
Oct 20, 20151.4k views
Episode 4
1. Sanctuary - page 3 + status update in description
Apr 23, 2018966 views
Episode 5
1. Sanctuary - p4
Jun 19, 2018987 views
Story about a person's wish, the price they pay for it and what follows thereafter.
Please note that this series is mostly my playground, where I make my attempts at doodling and storytelling. I want to tell the stories of my characters, but I am still far from the confidence and skill levels required from me to make something "more" out of this. Constructive criticism is incredibly welcome.
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Story about a person's wish, the price they pay for it and what follows thereafter.
Please note that this series is mostly my playground, where I make my attempts at doodling and storytelling. I want to tell the stories of my characters, but I am still far from the confidence and skill levels required from me to make something "more" out of this. Constructive criticism is incredibly welcome.
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