5 episodes
Episode 1
Mar 18, 202513 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 (Part 1)
Mar 18, 20254 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1 (Part 2)
Mar 18, 20257 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2 (Part 1)
Mar 23, 20250 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2 (Part 2)
Mar 23, 20250 views
Adam has never had the easiest of lives what with his mother's passing, his workaholic of a father and a reputation as the school pauper. Sometimes he wondered how he got stuck with such a poor hand while everyone else around him seemed to be living such perfect lives. But hey, at least it's not as if things could get any worse... right?
Updates twice a week every Wednesday and Sunday!
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Adam has never had the easiest of lives what with his mother's passing, his workaholic of a father and a reputation as the school pauper. Sometimes he wondered how he got stuck with such a poor hand while everyone else around him seemed to be living such perfect lives. But hey, at least it's not as if things could get any worse... right?
Updates twice a week every Wednesday and Sunday!
If you would like access to advanced chapters or offer your support, please check out my patreon with the link below!
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