1 episode
Vampires can time travel, and they mostly keep to themselves. When the rambunctious werewolf Steve gains this ability, though, he threatens to disrupt everything time holds dear. Adam is assigned to keep him out of trouble, but unfortunately Steve makes that near impossible.
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Vampires can time travel, and they mostly keep to themselves. When the rambunctious werewolf Steve gains this ability, though, he threatens to disrupt everything time holds dear. Adam is assigned to keep him out of trouble, but unfortunately Steve makes that near impossible.
Completed series
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Comic Science fiction 87k likes
Fans also read
Strange and Wild
Comic Fantasy 661.8k likes
Fans also read
Black Key Incubus
Comic Fantasy 362.5k likes
Fans also read
The Origin Story
Comic Fantasy 15.4k likes
Fans also read
The Blue Witch
Comic Fantasy 132.8k likes
Fans also read
Dead City
Comic LGBTQ+ 418.4k likes