4 episodes
Episode 1
Feb 28, 2019159 views
Episode 2
Mar 04, 201985 views
Episode 3
Little chat
Mar 11, 201974 views
Episode 4
Inside the lab during lunch
Apr 28, 2019130 views
At a point where the family of 3 seem to have to reached peace, a second child was born into the family. The first child whom age gap varied from the second by 17 years was one that many would have thought to have a bright future ahead with high achieving grades and a work sequel that was near inhuman presented him no less from a genius. He supported the family as the pillar for few years. However, at age 21, he died. And this a story about the second child with expectations she can't achieve.
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At a point where the family of 3 seem to have to reached peace, a second child was born into the family. The first child whom age gap varied from the second by 17 years was one that many would have thought to have a bright future ahead with high achieving grades and a work sequel that was near inhuman presented him no less from a genius. He supported the family as the pillar for few years. However, at age 21, he died. And this a story about the second child with expectations she can't achieve.
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