1 episode
Maddison Davis was living a swell life. She was the team leader of the design team of Bella, a famous fashion company. Her wonderful and charming boyfriend, Daniel Carter, accompanied her to work as the head of the marketing team. But her life instantly went crashing down when Daniel Carter was shot dead in front of her eyes.
A year later, 6 months after she resigns the company and builds up her own cafe called Dianne, a man with the face of her lover shows up. The only question that lingers in her mind is, "Who is he?"
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Maddison Davis was living a swell life. She was the team leader of the design team of Bella, a famous fashion company. Her wonderful and charming boyfriend, Daniel Carter, accompanied her to work as the head of the marketing team. But her life instantly went crashing down when Daniel Carter was shot dead in front of her eyes.
A year later, 6 months after she resigns the company and builds up her own cafe called Dianne, a man with the face of her lover shows up. The only question that lingers in her mind is, "Who is he?"
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