5 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 04, 2024144 views
Episode 2
Main characters layout
Apr 05, 2024234 views
Episode 3
Ep. 1 The Freedom Field
Apr 06, 202485 views
Episode 4
Ep.2 The Nameless Note
May 23, 202455 views
Episode 5
Ep. 3 The Vibrant Village
Aug 22, 202466 views
Lilianne has lived in the Moonlight Hospital, along with her childhood friend, Grayson since as long as she can remember. Ever since they were little kids, they would sneak out each night and meet up at the field outside of the hospital. They talked about their future together, how they would buy a house with a flower field and a lake. Although one night Grayson didn't meet up at the field, meanwhile all that Lily was left with was a note and a bouquet of memory-invoking flowers.
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Lilianne has lived in the Moonlight Hospital, along with her childhood friend, Grayson since as long as she can remember. Ever since they were little kids, they would sneak out each night and meet up at the field outside of the hospital. They talked about their future together, how they would buy a house with a flower field and a lake. Although one night Grayson didn't meet up at the field, meanwhile all that Lily was left with was a note and a bouquet of memory-invoking flowers.
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