Episode 1
It was the work of a moment. She had just slipped through the gap between the rocks when she felt the clay layer above her shift and slide over her like a thick blanket. She even heard the team leader’s shout:
„Gyöngyi, watch out!”
She didn’t have time to climb elsewhere. Trusting her instincts, she let go of the rock and jumped.
She saw her in front of her, just like that first night…
She was starting her second year; they held concerts on campus. She drank, but she still knew where the limit was, staying in control. The music blared, she partied with her classmates, and then suddenly she was jumping next to Karin. At the end of the concert, the long-haired blonde girl grabbed her wrist and pulled her along. They sat by the riverbank and watched the starry sky until dawn. She didn’t even remember if they talked. They just sat there, and Karin held her hand.
The girl studied humanities but loved to paint, played the guitar, got along with everyone, but no one looked at her with such an intense gaze as Karin did. They hung out together for months in their free time, until one cold winter weekend they went up to Karin’s room, freezing. Her roommate was away, and they were alone. She was cold and asked the girl for a towel, then went to shower. She stood under the hot, steaming water, enjoying the warmth spreading through her limbs, when Karin stepped in naked beside her. She smiled, not at all bothered by her own nudity. Blushing, she looked at her friend’s body. It seemed so different from her own—her own breasts barely grew from sports, her short black hair, angular shoulders, and unshaven legs. Unintentionally, she admired the long blonde hair, slender figure, rounded shoulders, and shapely breasts of the young woman showering beside her. And then, something stirred deep within her.
„You can touch them” — Karin said as naturally as if she were offering her phone charger.
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