36 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Emergence
Jul 09, 2024312 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: Ascent
Jul 10, 202488 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: Tension
Jul 11, 202479 views
Episode 4
Chapter 4: Disaster
Jul 12, 202478 views
Episode 5
Chapiter 5 : Birth of a destiny
Jul 13, 202473 views
Episode 6
Chapter 6: Unwanted isolation
Jul 13, 202483 views
Episode 7
Chapter 7: In the desert's clutches
Jul 14, 202481 views
Episode 8
Chapter 8: The Shadow Market
Jul 16, 202452 views
Episode 9
Chapter 9: Love in war
Jul 18, 202453 views
Episode 10
Chapter 10 : End of war
Jul 21, 202456 views
Episode 11
Chapter 11 : Tears of loss
Jul 22, 202440 views
Episode 12
Chapter 12 : Whispers of Hope in the Darkness
Jul 23, 202447 views
Episode 13
Chapter 13: The chains of injustice
Jul 25, 202444 views
Episode 14
Chapter 14 : The Dream
Aug 01, 202445 views
Episode 15
Chapter 15 : Aether Haven
Aug 04, 202444 views
Episode 16
Chapter 16: Jalik
Aug 19, 202446 views
Episode 17
Chapter 17: The Pact of Connected Souls
Aug 24, 202449 views
Episode 18
Chapter 18: Saving the Legacy
Aug 25, 202443 views
Episode 19
Chapter 19: Mystical Trinity
Sep 02, 202445 views
Episode 20
Chapter 20: Final training - Zayn vs Royal Guards!
Sep 03, 202447 views
What would you do if you had the power to change the world with a single wish?
Shackled in the shadows, it is the light of the soul that forges our freedom.
In a world torn apart by half a century of war, peace is but a fragile façade. Zayn, known as Sahar the Subversive, hides his identity behind a mask. Gifted with intriguing beauty and unique powers, he pursues an ambitious dream: to become a Soulmaster, a being capable of shaping the world's destiny.
Marked by a painful past, Zayn has been forged in adversity. His power of teleportation and mastery of ruh, the essence of the soul, make him a threat to the powerful forces that uphold an unjust order.
As Zayn fights to change the world and his own fate, he will face impossible choices. In his quest to become a Soulmaster, he will earn the right to make a wish that could reshape the world. But what wish could truly rewrite the future of humanity?
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What would you do if you had the power to change the world with a single wish?
Shackled in the shadows, it is the light of the soul that forges our freedom.
In a world torn apart by half a century of war, peace is but a fragile façade. Zayn, known as Sahar the Subversive, hides his identity behind a mask. Gifted with intriguing beauty and unique powers, he pursues an ambitious dream: to become a Soulmaster, a being capable of shaping the world's destiny.
Marked by a painful past, Zayn has been forged in adversity. His power of teleportation and mastery of ruh, the essence of the soul, make him a threat to the powerful forces that uphold an unjust order.
As Zayn fights to change the world and his own fate, he will face impossible choices. In his quest to become a Soulmaster, he will earn the right to make a wish that could reshape the world. But what wish could truly rewrite the future of humanity?
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