4 episodes
Episode 1
The door (unfinished)
Jul 09, 2022188 views
Episode 2
There is something behind you (complete)
Aug 31, 202276 views
Episode 3
Flame and Shadow (complete)
Mar 27, 202364 views
Episode 4
My life is a borrowed skin (complete)
Oct 27, 202416 views
Me gathering my experimentations in short comics.
1. The door
A door appears in your flat. That's not possible. But there it is. What are you supposed to do?
(full drafted, mostly finished)
2. There is something behind you
About the fear of the dark, or something adjacent. Don't you feel a presence behind you, at night?
(complete, for a 4 page challenge)
3. The Shadow and the Flame
In a world where those who have the Flame possess magical powers until it consumes them, a wizard and his aid must navigate a war on Shadows
(complete, 25 pages, for a challenge)
4. My life is a borrowed skin
A dude have strange dreams, related to his past, following him into reality
(complete, 13 pages, for a challenge)
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Me gathering my experimentations in short comics.
1. The door
A door appears in your flat. That's not possible. But there it is. What are you supposed to do?
(full drafted, mostly finished)
2. There is something behind you
About the fear of the dark, or something adjacent. Don't you feel a presence behind you, at night?
(complete, for a 4 page challenge)
3. The Shadow and the Flame
In a world where those who have the Flame possess magical powers until it consumes them, a wizard and his aid must navigate a war on Shadows
(complete, 25 pages, for a challenge)
4. My life is a borrowed skin
A dude have strange dreams, related to his past, following him into reality
(complete, 13 pages, for a challenge)
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