I'm a Freelance Storyboard Artist with my degree in Animation. I usually have no idea what I'm doing so
I make it up as I go. "Baffle with bullsh*t" is my motto.
Paintool, Autodesk Sketchbook pro, Wacom Cintiq (the small one)
So, for my senior year of college, I created a 2D short for my senior practicum thing- mostly by myself with the exception of the sound #youcandoit #ifyoubelieve #withbloodsweatandtears - ANYWHOO, because its part of the adventist system all of the adventist colleges come together with their art programs every year and show off their top students stuff and there are prizes and whatever
(Which I find kind of funny because no one seemed to care when I was making it- as well as most of my professors told me it was too ambitious- didn't even win a trophy for senior year. Yes, I am still salty. No, I will never not be salty. Also the short is hella weird and I'm still surprised it was even considered).
UGH, it still makes me cringe- but I think most people are critical of their work and if you aren't, WELL THEN NEVER YOU MIND.
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Sorry guys. My only excuse is that I've been looking for a job. And whilst doing so I've put my stuff on halt. The only thing I've been doing is small amounts of stuff for my portfolio. I've also been putting together a children's book in hopes of getting it published. Somewhere. Out there. Beneath the pale moonlight.
I'll show you bits and pieces of what I've done so far on here.