I have a passion for reading and writing. They bring you to a place where you can basically escape reality and lose track of time. I have written many stories that will never see the light of day, but there are many more ideas inside my head. Currently going to online high school so I don't talk with people often. Feel free to talk to me! (I'm desperate)
Ok, so regarding Beyond the Rift, I feel like I have reached a point in it where I cannot go any further without the plot derailing into nonsense that no one would be able to understand. When I started, I had no plan and really no laid out story, just somebody who wanted to write without planning anything. Looking at my work, and realizing how bad of a move that was, I am deciding to stop making chapters for it and focus my efforts on a more laid out story.
New posts will come as fast possible due to me going back to school. I am currently messaging this in a secret location... Oh god, they're here, THE SCHOOL POLICE! I have to escape, I can't go back, I won't back! THEY'LL NEVER TAKE ME
Planning on making a universe spanning multiple stories and many different characters starting with Beyond The Rift. It'll take years to make but whatever, LETS DO THIS!