Joined Mar 2017 . . . i have no idea
um... hi. i am pasta. pasta is mysterious. thank you. *takesbow*
(i honestly dont know what anyone would want to know about me. im just a weird pasta with a questionable state of mind and random things that i just see (in my mind (like glitter galaxy voids) but sometimes not in my mind...) and dont understand...) hahaham... *doubts that anyone on the stream will every see my profile and get this joke or undrstand how i know it because i just sat and read all the comments and enjoyed the art and idek what im saying anymore.... ahhh i remember.... im a bit of a stalker. dont mind me hiding in the bushes outside your house (and this is why im in introvert with few friends... i dont need people i just need manga. and books. and comics and i just need to stop.... OK BYEEEEEEEE)*
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