Hey, sorry for not uploading for a long while, I've just been busy with school and other things. I'll get back to uploading page 22 soon; I've already started making it. Sorry again for the wait. Page 22 will be up by this week.
hey, no page this week but I did get to finish the cover for this comic. I'm starting to make a few changes to the comic, as I've said before, but they're not big, just minor changes. I'm starting with the name. Hope this isn't a bother, this isn't a professional comic anyway, this is sort of a look into the development of the comic. Again, sorry for the bumps, there may be more along the way, I'm just trying to shape it more into what I want and something I'm satisfied with. (Also I'm changing the banner soon).
Hello, since it's school break, I'm going on a trip this week, which means I won't be able to upload this Sunday. Sorry for the inconvenience but I'll be back shortly after :) Have a happy winter break!
Sorry for the late announcement, but like this announcement, page 2 of chapter two will be late as well. I'm just having a busy weekend but I hope I'll get back on my feet soon. So yea, expect a late update.
Hello, just to let you know, this week's upload will be on Sunday, as well as the rest of my future uploads (for now). I have someone to help check and perfect pages for me so I will be seeing them before I upload which takes a day or less so I'm pushing my update day back. I hope this isn't an inconvenience, and that it won't matter so much. Time isn't real anyway...