Yo hey, I hope you enjoyed Dust! I've really enjoyed Tales of Anxiety, it's neat to see other people doing minicomics on this site.
Also shameless plug but: keep an eye out this summer for my next comic!
Hey guys! Soooooo I've been thinking about how often i'm gonna post my comics, and while the next update probably wont be for another 3 or 4 weeks, i'm hoping to be posting a page a day once i get the ball rolling. I like to have the whole short story done before i really post any of it.
That being said, I feel like waiting that large amount of time in between posts is unfair to you guys. SO. Once the next story is finished, I can spread the content out instead of posting it all at once (like I did with this first short) and then continue to post content while i work on the next story. Then by the time I've posted the whole story, the next one will be ready for y'all!
Sound good? We cool? Neato. IN THE MEAN TIME I'll try to post various sketches and drawings for all of you guys to enjoy while i get the next story ready. Thanks, everybody!