I'm overhelmed with school projects right now, and until I finish school I can't make any comics. Sorry.
I have to concentrate on school, and I don't want to mess up anything. It's my most important priority right now.
Also, I feel like I better delete my current never ending series, because I feel bad for not publishing anything, also I want to redraw all of them, next year.
Yeah, that's right. All of them.
So they might change till then, and I plan to make some little gif animations into them too :D
But only in 2017.
I prefer being honest in this matter, cause in my opinion it's better this way.
However, I may do some illustrations of books, rp-s, videogames or my own ideas, so please follow me on
I want to wish a HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone :D
learning from last year, I promise nothing about my comics... maybe I continue them, maybe not, so sorry guys ^^"
My porblem is that I don't have enough free time for what I want, especially when school begins, sooooo I try to be more active in vacances :)
That's all I can give you right now :)
What are my plans to upload this year
+ The Orphan the Criminal and the Policman ~ to all the chapters I've already made and in summer I plan to draw it's ending. Maybe there's gonna be a monthly update of the chapters.
+ Strange Meetings ~ will get some new pages, until I dare to say it's a decent cliffhanger ending.
+ Fey, Quell, Jaime and JB ~ will be uploaded until we played it with my friends, but there's gonna be a name change (I just have to create a better title for the comic).
+ Papillon en bulle ~ it's gonna contain my random comics, or/and my storyboards of the latest versions, and their description will contain the link of the animation too :)
+ Kaisha, the headhunter ~ well I'm not sure if I finish her story properly in comic :) if you're intrested I'm gonna update the novel somewhere you can read it.