Just work and other interests, haha. Same as usual :D
Was curious when you are going back to the comic but I do know how Slovak/Czechs schools are ;)
I'm afraid we won't be back for some time -_-. But thanks, it's nice to see someone wants us back :D.
But, if you are interested in our other work, I can tell you where to find us (atm or in the future) :D
Shame... Maybe at some point then :>
Understandable so take care of your lives!
Sure! I am not on social media and I am bad with them but you can give me links if you wish. I will bookmark and check (yeah, yeah, I am oldschool like that... lmao). Or whatever else you meant :>
When it comes to internet you can find us here.
http://ryuki-draws.tumblr.com/ Ryuki and her drawings
http://kadetjaina.tumblr.com/ me, but I mostly just reblog or ramble about newest Resident Evil info.
But! If you wanted to read something...
You can find our comics in Vějíř 2015 and 2016
As for my little writing soul you can find my story in Čas šelmy
and I have story that Ryuki illustrated in FASCINACE 5
and I would have eyes open because if everything goes well, I will have another story out in a year.