204 episodes
Episode 1
Acceptance Letter
May 13, 20212.2k views
Episode 2
Full Ride
May 13, 2021858 views
Episode 3
Nothing Stopping Me
May 14, 2021735 views
Episode 4
Everything in Order
May 14, 2021662 views
Episode 5
Anything to Help
May 15, 2021639 views
Episode 6
Just to be Comfortable
May 15, 2021697 views
Episode 7
Scarlet, Gold and Emerald
May 16, 2021612 views
Episode 8
Cobalt, Violet and White
May 16, 2021608 views
Episode 9
Silver and Magenta
May 17, 2021620 views
Episode 10
School Grounds
May 17, 2021597 views
Episode 11
Weird Dream
May 18, 2021609 views
Episode 12
Hoping and Praying
May 18, 2021623 views
Episode 13
May 19, 2021570 views
Episode 14
But Magic's Not Real
May 19, 2021596 views
Episode 15
The Massive Gates
May 20, 2021585 views
Episode 16
Others: Head Start
May 20, 2021592 views
Episode 17
May 21, 2021557 views
Episode 18
That's Different
May 21, 2021581 views
Episode 19
In Scientia Sit Pax
May 22, 2021560 views
Episode 20
Make You Proud
May 22, 2021566 views
What would you do if some school you've never heard of offered you a full ride scholarship out of the blue despite the fact you never even applied? What if you found out that your mother was also an alum of that school and it's not exactly a normal school? Answer me this...what do you do when your entire world, the entire way you perceive everything...is flipped? Magic, all sorts of strange people and...a new world I finally found myself thrust into...How do I deal with all of this?
Warlord Series: Book 2
Note from Author: All of my stories while not a series per say, do fall within the same magical world, the time this one takes place is between Wizard of Wall Street and Jackal's Dance, this story takes place about a year after the events of Wizard of Wall Street. This story also has a bit longer of chapters and is a much, much slower burn than the others
Completed series
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What would you do if some school you've never heard of offered you a full ride scholarship out of the blue despite the fact you never even applied? What if you found out that your mother was also an alum of that school and it's not exactly a normal school? Answer me this...what do you do when your entire world, the entire way you perceive everything...is flipped? Magic, all sorts of strange people and...a new world I finally found myself thrust into...How do I deal with all of this?
Warlord Series: Book 2
Note from Author: All of my stories while not a series per say, do fall within the same magical world, the time this one takes place is between Wizard of Wall Street and Jackal's Dance, this story takes place about a year after the events of Wizard of Wall Street. This story also has a bit longer of chapters and is a much, much slower burn than the others
Completed series
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