Narcoleptic, AuDHD artist in New Mexico - I am a middle aged goober, and I have goals to make a comic. My story is called Woodwose Valley, and I hope people like it.
I just want to talk about the timeline for Woodwose Valley. I am drawing Season 2 right now. Problem is, I have some neurological issues that slow me down.
I am trying to develop an art style that I can work on on my had days, that I can match on my good days, and it will look at least fairly nice. Its hard to be considtsnt when you get partial cataplexy affecting your arms.
Anyway, so I want to start posting in march, but I'm not sure if that will happen.
Also, its important to me to put out transcripts for the blind and vision impaired. I will always try to do this, but writing them is too overwhelming for me. My husband writes them. He gets behind on them a lot, because he is busy taking care if himself, our pets, AND me, and bring my moral support while I take on this lifelong dream of making a web comic. And sometimes I have to put out the comic before I get the transcript, because if I don't, I will lose steam entirely, and that will be the end of Woodwose Valley.
In short, I just want to say I will be doing my absolute best to make everything I put out be as accessable as possible to as many people as possible, but sometimes I might be running behind.
Thank you for all your patience,
(Included, a grayscale drawing of what appears to be a faun, called a Woodwose in this comic. She has pigtails and is smiling.)
Thank you to my subscribers. Between two comics there are 9 of you, but thats more than I thought I'd have.
I am a nervous wreck all the time, and a little voice in my head constantly tells me, "Stop this. You're embarrassing yourself. Youre not good at this!" But I ignore it and just keep on truckin', because I'm the only me I've got.
I'm saying this out loud because I think a lot of artists go through this, and I want you to know you're not alone. Never give up!
"Two scholarly elves, brother and sister, go on an adventure into the South Woods where it is said there are dangerous monsters, to find a magical.. thing. Why would they go alone? Ugh, do I need to write them a guide?"
"Maybe they're just foolhardy and brave?"
"Hmm... Well the sister is brave, but she's also smart."
"Maybe they know a safe route?"
"There is not safe route... I know! I'll give them a guard animal, like a wolf, or a huge cat..."
"That works."
"...I went to give them an animal, and I drew a battle lizard. He needs a name."
"Okay, but they're fancy elves, so they call him Sir Bob."
May I present to you... Sir "Bob" Thingamabob: Battle Lizard, and his completely empty brain.
I posted this on Facebook today, but maybe it makes more sense here:
I'm having a hard time concentrating today! But I just feel like talking... I'm really exited that I threw everything about Woodwose Valley out the window, and started actually posting a new version as a comic.
I am seriously writing it one square at a time, and rolling with whatever my head tells me is going on. I had all these old ideas that were bad, but hard to let go of. Now I have a totally different plot, and glimpsing ahead, I see characters in completely different spaces with different relationships. And I'm posting it, because I just know I've got it right this time.
It's off to kind of a goofy start, but I can see where it's headed. At the same time, I'm open to changes that may present themselves. I have a general idea, and I know my characters well (Although fictional characters will always surprise us once they get going.)
Going one square at a time helps me not feel overwhelmed with the art. I'm keeping it very simple, but at least I am finishing panels!
Dave is helping me a lot by doing most of the descriptions. If they are late sometimes, I'm sorry. He has real life priorities, and I am very low energy, but we're doing our best.
I'm not sure how long I will keep posting them on ko-fi, since I figured out Tapas. I don't know if I will maintain the ko-fi account at all. But I will put up all of "season 1" (Which I didn't mark as a season or a chapter, because I have no idea what I'm doing.)
I'm following a life-long dream that never seemed like it could be a reality, because of my lack of focus. Also, people told me whan I was a kid that this wasn't something people really did unless they were extraordinarily talented and ambitious. But I'm doing it now, in my forties. I'm writing a comic. 😊