My profile pic is my fursona Purpur, being spooky for Halloween lol. I drew it myself :D (Check out "Purpur's Big Book of Art- 2024 Edition" on Wattpad to see how I came up with it!)
Important Info:
-My pronouns are they/them (I am non-binary)
-I am aromantic and asexual
-I'm an English-speaking American
-The only other social media accounts I have are linked on my YouTube channel. If you find a social media account that looks like me but isn't one that I linked, then it's not me. It's someone pretending to be me. If this happens, please DO NOT interact with the account in any way. Just report them for stealing my content/identity, then come tell me what happened.
Less important info that I want to share bc why not:
-Purpur/ Purpur Dragon is in fact my fursona
-My most favorite videogames are Minecraft, Robot Unicorn Attack 2, Roblox, Breath of The Wild, and Tears of The Kingdom
-The fandoms I consider myself to be part of are Minecraft, furry, Wings of Fire, The Legend of Zelda, and Linked Universe
-Some of my favorite music artists are Lemon Demon, Derivakat, Creo, Mr. Kitty, TheFatRat, Two Steps From Hell, and C418
-Some of my favorite book series are Wings of Fire, The Books of Ember, Ready Player 1 + 2, How To Train Your Dragon, Dragon Rider, and The UnwantedsRead more