Rui Silva
Joined Dec 2015 落ち着きが肝心です。
Despite majoring in arts and holding a few certificates from art classes/seminars he attended, Rui Silva is mostly self-taught. Over the past 13 years, he has been involved in the arts and creative scene as a freelancer, especially in game design and the ongoing creation of his graphic novel, "Rocketman".
In the midst of the pandemic in 2019, he resigned from his prospect-lacking job in the casino industry in search of design-related employment.
However, he was rejected by most design companies due to his “lack of skills", so he used his "lack of skills" to start his own graphic design company Gaijindo Illustrations, where he now provides clients with a variety of graphic designs, including comics, mobile games, and clothing.
Silva is currently working on the Club Sparta NFT project as the creative director with two other NFT projects already in the works.