Just a girl who finds an outlet in writing and hopes to become a better writer.
Sorry for any grammatical errors in my works. English is not my first language :')
Constructive criticism/ writing advice will be appreciated
One of my favourite phrases:
Being meguca is suffering
Hi I've just finished a Huff The Dragon themed fan art Desktop I hope you enjoy! If you're curious here's a link to Huff on Tapas by Huff The Dragon https://tapas.io/series/Huff/info
and to get your own desktop or, have your OC appear in my comics or get your own shoutout card. Visit my Ko-Fi or Patreon ^^
Here is my entry for the Hawk and Flo collab! Since the MK-verse and Twistverse are two separate realities, Hawk and Flo Adventures is a worldwide famous cartoon in MK-Verse that is beloved by children and kakapos apparently.
Announcement! 📢
(OK, let me try to organise my thoughts into coherent sentences 🤌)
Apologies for being unable to make any updates to Bestial Insania due to reasons. From now on, updates may become more irregular (though I'll try to stick to schedule) owing to the start of a new academic session which has got me all worked up, worrying about juggling academic work, roommates, writing, etc. 🤌.
And I'll also prolly won't have much time to hang around Tapas, please don't take this as me not wanting to read or create stuff on Tapas anymore 🥺. Just me suffering due to my lack of (or more precisely, inexistent) time management skill (srsly need to learn effective time management now)