To start the year (and maybe plan for the rest of my artistic life), I've decided to publish Dazzling Heroes #278 exclusively on Tapastic. This is a 56-pages project I made before I embarked on DazzWorld, so it's non-canon. However I thought this could make a nice addition to my portfolio. Enjoy, and thanks for subscribing! :)
Sorry I haven't been posting for a while; I still have a ton of content to post on Tapastic (up to page 68 as I'm writing this), but I couldn't edit the pages to fit Tapastic's 940px format yet. I'm also on VACAAAATIOOON! :D So please stick around, I'll be back. :)
Thanks for subscribing to Don't Be A Hero, Ben! Us superhero folk gotta stick together! Haha. I hope you'll enjoy your stay as much as I'm enjoying mine with DazzWorld.
I want to take a minute to thank all of you (my 9 readers) for sticking around! I really haven't done a lot to get noticed on Tapastic, and yet I keep hoping I'll magically hit a thousand readers overnight. But yeah... probably not gonna happen. I just discovered the forums and might head over there to find new readers, but in the meantime: thanks a lot for subscribing to DazzWorld! :)