Hey gang, I know it's been a while- a very long while, but this year has been a hard one on me. (Harder than last year for me.) Work has been busy, I had the death of one of my closest family members, and there has been a final push for my book to be published. I know many are anxiously waiting on Crimson Wings to be continued, and I do have a page I hope to finish soon, but the truth is I'm more burnt out on this comic than I realized. I've actually been working on a mini comic on the side just to learn to enjoy comic making again, which I will start posting somewhere sometime this year... I still plan on finishing the current chapter of Crimson Wings, but we'll see where it will go from there. I've spread myself thin, and the ultimate decision came down to me focusing most of my energy on my book trilogy.
And speaking of my book trilogy, the first book has been officially released! So if you are a fan of my writing and work, and want to support me and my future creative career, the best way to help would be to consider buying my fantasy book! (The ebook which will be cheaper is not out yet, but should be a few weeks behind, if those are your thing)
I will share this update on the main comic soon, probably when the ebook or next Crimson Wings page is done, but for those concerned enough about me to read this, thank you, and you get first word.
Everyone, Crimson Wings's Patreon is officially set up! https://www.patreon.com/crowwingedangel
If you enjoy my comics, consider helping support them! As a reminder, Crimson Wings need to reach a goal of $35 per month to maintain its consistent weekly posting.
I spent the start of the day at the Magic Kingdom and had a good time! Then I had to go to work and had a late shift, so it was a long day, but a good one. And I got all of your fanart and wishes and cherish them all. Thanks for being patient, the new page will be up on Tuesday like normal.
Hello! I am Kira, the creator of Romantic & Hard Fujoshis on facebook, I love your comic completely <3 and I wanted to know I could translate it into Spanish on my page? Of course with your respective credits <3 https://www.facebook.com/Romantic.And.Hard.Fujoshis/
Oh! It seems to me very well to work in collaboration with you, it would be beautiful *----* and if you like, you can send me the pages without text so that the advance is faster, and if we have questions about any part of the translation, I will ask you to successful to what you wanted to say in English, do you agree? :3
Happy St. Patty's Day! I'm posting this here because this is a bad time in the comic to shove it in and (Tapas doesn't let me move things around afterward for some reason...!!!) But enjoy some high school babes!
Hey guys. For some reason the website is being really weird and not letting me post the update? (This site is really determined to test my patience, isn't it?) It's just stuck on the upload page and not doing anything when I try to publish or schedule it....! Well, I'll keep trying to upload it. In the mean time, feel free to check the page out on the main site! http://crimson-wings.smackjeeves.com/comics/2571709/chapter-2-page-46/
Happy New Year everyone! Let's all work together to make it a good one!
I'd like to thank all of you so much for sticking around and enjoying these kids on their weird little adventure of sorts. The fact that you enjoy this comic really tickles me pink, and helps me love working on it even more.
So let's look forward to a year to come! I know the start of this year will be a little rocky, but let's enjoy it all the same.
Guidelines for the Q & A:
1.) You can ask as many questions as you want! As this Q & A will need a lot of good questions from all of you to function well, there is no limit to how many questions any person can ask.
2.) HOWEVER, the same person should not spam the same question. Asking the same question over and over will not make it more likely to be answered.
3.) Address questions to the characters themselves or the author. (You can call me Crow or Erin.)
4.) SUBMIT questions by commenting on the update or other Q & A updates (though this page will be preferred.)
If you prefer to remain anonymous, either to me or to the other readers, or would like to keep your question a surprise for others, you can submit your questions to my tumblr: http://crowwingedangel.tumblr.com/
5.) You can ask questions all throughout this month. The questions won't close until the update before the last Q & A, and I will let you know when that is coming up.
6.) Questions that are blunt spoilers will be ignored. Questions that may not seem as spoilers but whose answers are may be listed at the very end so you know you weren't ignored, just digging deeper than you thought.
AND since my senior project also did well in the poll, it's on stand by. If for whatever reason the questions run dry, or I need to take more time if the work I get at this new job overloads me, the first chapter of my Wish story will take over. If it comes up, it will run on a 3 pages a week schedule.
I believe that's all for now. Thanks for reading, and ASK AWAY!
Merry Christmas you guys, and to those who don't celebrate Christmas, happy day!
So a lot to say today.
First thing, there will be something up for the 2nd anniversary/New Years on Jan 1st, probably later in the day. But then January will be... interesting.
Second thing to know is I'm moving in January and starting a full time job! Some of you know, but most of you don't, so I'm finally officially saying, I'm going to be doing the Disney College program! In the middle of January I'm going to be moving to Orlando and taking on a job at Walt Disney World until May. After that is very up in the air. So what does this mean for this comic?
Well, I don't know yet how my schedule is going to look, but my guess is this comic will have to shift back to a once-a-week schedule. I will work on my Patreon and set it up again so that you all may be able to sustain twice-a-week updates if we reach the determined goal. But that's a lot of ifs that I don't know about yet. So we'll stay open to that.
So Third thing! January is going to be a big moving and adjusting month for me. So the comic is going to go on hiatus for January. But I still want to upload content! So I've created a poll where you can all vote for what you'd like to see happen during the month! The poll is open now and will close when the update comes out on January 1st. http://www.strawpoll.me/14695359/r
I hope you all are enjoying the holidays! See you next year!