Hello! I go by Eruden or erudenedure on most social media sites.
I'm a 33-year-old mom with a part-time job. Which means my ability to focus on my webcomic is limited. Literally, 90% of my free solo time goes to Desiderium.
Drawing and writing have always been two passions in my life, but Desiderium is my first attempt at a webcomic. I'm still learning and pushing forward to improve.
I have bits of writing sprinkled all over the Internet, so - if you like this comic - feel free to check my prose, too!Read more
XP Pen 15.6 tablet, FireAlpaca, Clip Studio Paintt, Medibang
I've been on Tapas for a year, according to my profile! I didn't start posting Desiderium on Tapas until September, though. (I started the comic in June on Webtoons.)