Hey guys!! I'm gonna be renovating some stuff for Moira Knight and I would like your inputs on some stuff! First: new icon! I've made some variations of the new icon and I'd like for you guys to vote on what you like the most if that's alright! Thank you so much in advance!
Hey guys!!! For the first time ever, I'm doing summer commissions! I can only post one image here but you can find more information here: http://starrygrams.tumblr.com/tagged/commission-info
Please consider helping me out! If you have any questions, please let me know!
Howdy guys! It's been a while since we've talked! Summer is here and I've been freed from the chains of college!! Lemme give a quick run down of what's ahead, alrighty?
1. Since it's summer, my free time has skyrocketed so I plan on making 2 pages per update to make up for my snail speed! (thank you all for being so patient!!)
2. I updated the extras page! It's still barren but that'll change after chapter 1 (*wink wink*).
3. I plan on hosting a Q&A once chapter 1 ends so feel free to leave questions here or in the comments section in the pages! I'll make sure to answer what I can (w/o spoilers of course!!)
TL;DR: summer is awesome and expect great things ahead as thanks for all you awesome people for sticking by me!
Finally got a single page up! Sorry it isn't much but it's better to have a single page update than no bulk update for 2000 years, right? Also HOLY COW WE HIT 2K GUYS!! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
Heya everyone! Guess who's back in university? The winter break party is sadly over, but that doesn't mean the comic train is gonna stop! Production is already kinda slow as is (sorry!!) but it might slow down a bit more because college isn't cheap and I need those good grades. That being said, I made an extra series to add my rambles about life and some extras regarding Moira Knight. I hope you all enjoy and have a wonderful day!
Howdy everyone! I just want to say thank you so much again for subscribing and giving my story so much love! I've been getting a lot of comments like the symbols I used in one of my pages or the color palette I use for my art. If anyone is interested, I'm thinking of making an extra series where I post all these behind the scenes stuff and some life updates! (Still too nervous for a Patreon so yeah...) Let me know what you guys think and again, you are all too good for me!!
This is super crazy!!! Over 1000 subs?? I can't thank you guys enough!! You're all so fantastic and I am super grateful for all of you subscribing and enjoying my story! I'll get to work on Chapter 1 real soon so stay hyped!
PS: That girl in the bottom is River, a character that you guys will hopefully meet real soon!