Thanks very much for subscribing to Crucible! Please do check out Crucible over on my British comics web site, where you can also leave us feedback - Comments on individual pages on Tapastic are welcome and feel free to ask us questions if you want. We don't bite. (Well, the Chrell probably will, he's alway grouchy).
whoah been a crazy month, lost my computer with all of my art programs and almost all of my art and then the landlords selling the house I live at so that means I'm booted out. sigh. It will be a bit before I can finish the chapter but I'll get there.
Been crazy at work, were just a two man shop and now my roommate took off and displaced me. So I got to move again after only a few months lol. Yeah I see that. Well what ever works you never know with readers
Just got to keep on keepin!! I did get a chance this year to do the poster for our comic con in town. I'm getting super pumped to come up with a design