Comic Release Update: Cover or Teaser - 12/24 or 12/25 Fingers Crossed
I'm currently working on my first comic which I would like to publish on here for the world to see (LOL) - And then once I get that one started and running I have a second one that I would like to do also. I would kind of go back and forth publishing each part so that I could do both of them at the same time. I think this is my calling and I'm hoping to do great at this - not be the best but to do my best (LOL)
My comic is going to be a little delayed and will NOT be out this Christmas but I'm hoping to at least have the cover up for Chapter one or at least a teaser frame to wet peoples appetite. I'm not sure if anyone is following me yet but I thought I would make my presence known.
I'm hoping to work on the first part of my comic this Thanksgiving weekend and may put some samples on my production blog. I'm not the greatest artist but I think if I do my best that's good enough.
I'm starting to really be entertained by some of the comics I've been reading and I think that I would like to get to that level, but the more I read them I don't know I can (lol). Maybe if I pay them to draw my stuff but then again that's the fun of being an artist - drawing and telling the story.
I'm currently working on my first comic and hoping to get the first part up here before Christmas. I created a second account that would actually be the name of my comic creation name (Spyder Comics)