Apologies for the last 2 weeks!! I'm currently in the process of some really difficult background panels so my progress for them has been really slow!! (also due to the fact i epically fucked up a huge chuck of one and had to fix a shit ton of it!!) Getting practice with backgrounds is one of the biggest motivators for me to work on this comic so it's important I do a good job with them!! for now I'll share a preview of the panel im stuck on. When I'm done it'll look like a nice big ol city block.
SORRY TO DO THIS TO YOU GUYS BUT I'M GOING TO HAVE TO PAUSE THE COMIC FOR A BIT, MY BUFFER RAN OUT!! And i took a small break because i wanted to make something for the hiveswap comic contest. I'm slow but almost done so I hope i can finish it soon and get back to c&F pages.
Hey guys, so the year 2017 is coming to an end and I just wanted to thank you all for reading, leaving comments and leaving likes on the pages!! I hope to continue to improve not just an artist but also as a storyteller in the upcoming year so as I continue work on claws and fire and beyond. I want to give my best to be the kind of entertainer the world needs , One who doesn't just use characters as props but try to give them all the respect they deserve so those people who feel a connection to them can feel happy they have someone to relate to. Here's to 2018!!
I hope none of ya'll are worried the comic is dead!! As i said before I'm just building up a 10 page buffer so when Im done that's like 2 months worth of pages!! I'm not gunna give a concrete date but I'll try to continue in November.
Ok so combined with smackjeeves there's almost 400 of you guys reading this comic!! I just wanted to give all of you a big thank you!!! in non related news does anyone play overwatch on the xbox?? I would love to give out my xbox name if any of ya'll want to play!!!
HEY GUYS!!! Sorry for the late update!!!! Recently my desktop where I upload pages has been broken and I'm trying to get it fixed! As well as family from overseas coming to visit for a weeks so I've kinda been away from any comps for the past week. hopefully my desktop will be fixed soon. Also no worries about lack of pages I have at lest 7 more pages done and am working on page 9 and 11 at the moment!!
Hey guys!! I'm open for Q@A!! PLEASE ASK ME STUFF!!! The comic is going on a three week break so this would be a nice way to keep getting updates while i work on pages!!
Hey guys! Chapter 5 will soon be over and I'll make another post about this in the comic but I'm thinking of taking a three week update break this time! I'm open for questions so please ask them or if anyone wants to do a guest illustration that's great too! It's ok to ask on here OR at my tumblr! http://chocari.tumblr.com/
hey guys! I just wanted to say Claws and fire is 2 years old! it hasn't been on tapastic that long but that's how long I've been working on it! I wanted to draw something for that but I recently started a new job and still getting use to having less free time.
Congrats! To save a little more time, you could always have fans do guest comics, or do a Q&A to celebrate. A Q&A obviously would take more time, but it wouldn't require as much as doing an illustration.
hey guys! I just wanted to let you know that i started up a patreon!! I'll so be selling pdfs of the comic chapters as well!!
heres a link to the patreon! https://www.patreon.com/CarinaRios?ty=h there are not that many bonus since I'm just one person and my energy is already pretty low so most of it actually goes into making the comic bt there are a few!!