3 episodes
Episode 1
Nov 06, 202439 views
Episode 2
Nov 08, 202416 views
Episode 3
Nov 09, 202420 views
After losing his mother in a car accident, Theo finds himself living in the same house as Odette, 1 year younger than him and his polar opposite. Keen and with a passion for justice he seeks to know the truth behind his mom's passing. Theo will stop at nothing in order to find out the truth even if that means bending some rules. In the blink of an eye, Odette finds out his secret but will she disclose it? As tension brews between them, one thing becomes clear, all secrets have a way of unraveling, and their lives will never be the same anymore.
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After losing his mother in a car accident, Theo finds himself living in the same house as Odette, 1 year younger than him and his polar opposite. Keen and with a passion for justice he seeks to know the truth behind his mom's passing. Theo will stop at nothing in order to find out the truth even if that means bending some rules. In the blink of an eye, Odette finds out his secret but will she disclose it? As tension brews between them, one thing becomes clear, all secrets have a way of unraveling, and their lives will never be the same anymore.
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