The Sequel in the Adventure of Phox series is being worked on! Currently, I am halfway through illustrating chapter 1. Once completed, I will share it in weekly posts. For now, I will release the cover to have it posted and waiting for the other pages!
I will try to post some teasers on my profile here and updates. However, you can get more updates on my discord server dedicated to the web comic. Feel free to join!
The war of succession raging on the Yazar system in the Galactic Antonian's northern regions is now dragging onto its' 8th year. Both sides want the war to end however, neither can present a compromise. Phox will have to use her talents of espionage to bring the G.A pivotal, game-changing info and possibly find a link between the mysterious Red Light organization and the Yazar Republic.
But can she do this and keep her friendship with Professor Kap, who works for Red Light, at the same time? Read Book 2, Haunting Past, to find out!
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