14 episodes
Episode 1
Werewolves and Witches and What? Oh My!
Dec 04, 2021320 views
Episode 2
May I Bring a +1?
Dec 11, 2021138 views
Episode 3
Call Me Anything but Late for Dinner
Dec 18, 2021120 views
Episode 4
Elementals, My Dear Panda
Dec 25, 2021109 views
Episode 5
Race With a Himbo
Jan 01, 202298 views
Episode 6
Comfort Scent
Jan 08, 202298 views
Episode 7
It's in Your Blood
Jan 15, 202257 views
Episode 8
It Was Then That I Loved You
Jan 22, 202262 views
Episode 9
If at First You Don't Succeed
Jan 29, 202259 views
Episode 10
Came Here to Have a Good Time
Feb 05, 202279 views
Episode 11
Honestly Feeling So Attacked
Feb 12, 202276 views
Episode 12
A Reoccurring Mess
Feb 19, 202262 views
Episode 13
Three is a Magic Number
Feb 26, 202267 views
Episode 14
Age Is Nothing But A Number
Mar 05, 202269 views
"You are a VonMerlyn, Pandora. And the last of your bloodline.”
What's a girl to do when she finds out not only is she not as human as she thought she was, but that she is actually the sole heir of a supernatural kingdom?
Pandora (formally Dove), just shy of her twenty-fifth birthday, is pulled into a world she's known nothing about and has just a few short months to learn everything she can about leading a kingdom. As if that weren't difficult enough, she also has to contend with a Wizard who would very much like to remain on the throne, and navigate her sudden relationship to her arranged fiance, an Elf named Caspian.
Too much has changed far too quickly and Pandora isn't sure she has what it takes to be Queen. Regardless, she will soon learn she will not have a choice if she wants to keep her newfound kingdom in the family.
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"You are a VonMerlyn, Pandora. And the last of your bloodline.”
What's a girl to do when she finds out not only is she not as human as she thought she was, but that she is actually the sole heir of a supernatural kingdom?
Pandora (formally Dove), just shy of her twenty-fifth birthday, is pulled into a world she's known nothing about and has just a few short months to learn everything she can about leading a kingdom. As if that weren't difficult enough, she also has to contend with a Wizard who would very much like to remain on the throne, and navigate her sudden relationship to her arranged fiance, an Elf named Caspian.
Too much has changed far too quickly and Pandora isn't sure she has what it takes to be Queen. Regardless, she will soon learn she will not have a choice if she wants to keep her newfound kingdom in the family.
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Arna (GL)
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