4 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 21, 2022378 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1: Once White and Pure
Jun 27, 2022144 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2: A Glimmer of Pink
Jul 04, 2022109 views
Episode 4
Chapter 3: The Assassin
Jul 11, 2022104 views
Vail lives in a world where one’s eye color shows what kind of harm they have caused others. Angels were sent by the gods of this world to keep everything in order and to kill those with pink eyes, pink eyes symbolizing that the person with them has killed. But, the colors didn’t discriminate and the Angels that executed those with pink eyes found their eyes turned pink. The gods, believing that the Angels had killed innocents, tore the Angels’ wings and cursed them with bloodlust, creating what is known as to humanity as the Wingless.
Vail is a human, working for a government known as Atale, which tries to fulfill their duty to get rid of the Wingless. As the Captain of Squadron B-12, Vail is always aware of new orders, and yet his squadron has never been sent to take out some Wingless. That is, until one day, a new member arrives, and he’s an Angel.
Updates every Monday
Trigger warnings for: depictions of death, violence, suicide, gore
Was written while author was sleepy and delusional
Just a one-shot because author needs more practice in writing short stories and not series that last forever
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Vail lives in a world where one’s eye color shows what kind of harm they have caused others. Angels were sent by the gods of this world to keep everything in order and to kill those with pink eyes, pink eyes symbolizing that the person with them has killed. But, the colors didn’t discriminate and the Angels that executed those with pink eyes found their eyes turned pink. The gods, believing that the Angels had killed innocents, tore the Angels’ wings and cursed them with bloodlust, creating what is known as to humanity as the Wingless.
Vail is a human, working for a government known as Atale, which tries to fulfill their duty to get rid of the Wingless. As the Captain of Squadron B-12, Vail is always aware of new orders, and yet his squadron has never been sent to take out some Wingless. That is, until one day, a new member arrives, and he’s an Angel.
Updates every Monday
Trigger warnings for: depictions of death, violence, suicide, gore
Was written while author was sleepy and delusional
Just a one-shot because author needs more practice in writing short stories and not series that last forever
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