Lusi in the sky with Diamonds: A Pokemon X Nuzlocke Comic
2 episodes
Episode 1
Lusi in the sky with Diamonds: Cover, Page 1, and Page 2
May 27, 2017267 views
Episode 2
Lusi in the Sky: Page 3
Jul 09, 2017543 views
A Pokemon trainer named "Lusi" travels the Kalos region to become the best trainer there is, however she learns that things might be a bit harder than she thinks...
This is basically a nuzlocke comic I'm drawing specifically to get better, obviously death and violence is involved, so an "R" rating will be placed on it
Also, all the Pokemon are Monster Girls/Boys, because the Nuzlocke challenge wasn't twisted enough with animal fights
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A Pokemon trainer named "Lusi" travels the Kalos region to become the best trainer there is, however she learns that things might be a bit harder than she thinks...
This is basically a nuzlocke comic I'm drawing specifically to get better, obviously death and violence is involved, so an "R" rating will be placed on it
Also, all the Pokemon are Monster Girls/Boys, because the Nuzlocke challenge wasn't twisted enough with animal fights
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