17 episodes
Episode 1
Sep 07, 20181.4k views
Episode 2
Their Game
Sep 14, 2018293 views
Episode 3
Glass Dragons
Oct 06, 2018293 views
Episode 4
Feb 01, 2019329 views
Episode 5
Pulling Threads
Jun 21, 2019268 views
Episode 6
Sep 21, 2019283 views
Episode 7
Angels and Aliens
Oct 20, 2020220 views
Episode 8
Counting Conspiracies
Dec 15, 2020245 views
Episode 9
Mar 20, 2021251 views
Episode 10
Summer Fun
Jul 04, 2021188 views
Episode 11
Jun 03, 2022136 views
Episode 12
Jul 02, 2022139 views
Episode 13
Dreaming of You
Aug 01, 2022129 views
Episode 14
Getting on the same page
Sep 16, 2022412 views
Episode 15
True Gods
Nov 18, 202338 views
Episode 16
Past Life
Sep 07, 202432 views
Episode 17
Nov 06, 202413 views
In Manic! Autistic Superhero! Characters wear there disabilities right out for the world to see, but that doesn't make them any less discriminated. Even though disabilities become physical traits in this world, (such as depression becoming a strangling scarf who speaks your depressive and aggressive thoughts) They aren't all obvious or easily brushed off. Autism appears differently for every person, and can appear slightly or very extremely. Other disabilities only appear sometimes, arthritis and diabetes are only visible when they become a problem.
Manic! Autistic Superhero!
..is a comic loosely based off my real life! ... Okay so some parts are made up... I don't have super powers, But I do have incredible insight for a person with autism... I'm Myler A. R. Stringer and this comic focuses on many fictional people with disabilities, and a fictional conflict that weighs on them.
This comic is a LGBTQIA+ comic, that has no romance. The characters may or may not have romantic relationships, but as those are private affairs they are not seen, only spoken of. However, as there is much more to LGBTQIA+ than romance, there is still much of that. Many characters struggle with their gender identities, or face other LGBTQIA+ oppressions.
Current Chapters:
1: Pilot
2: Their Game
3: Glass Dragon
4: Dreams
5: Pulling Threads
6: Viral
7: Angels and Aliens
8: Counting Conspiracies
9: Gender
10: Summer Fun
11: Timelines
12: The Virus
13: Dreaming of You
14: Getting on the Same Page
15: True Gods
16: Past Life
17: Echo
In Progress Chapters:
18: Energy
19: Sick
20: Balance
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In Manic! Autistic Superhero! Characters wear there disabilities right out for the world to see, but that doesn't make them any less discriminated. Even though disabilities become physical traits in this world, (such as depression becoming a strangling scarf who speaks your depressive and aggressive thoughts) They aren't all obvious or easily brushed off. Autism appears differently for every person, and can appear slightly or very extremely. Other disabilities only appear sometimes, arthritis and diabetes are only visible when they become a problem.
Manic! Autistic Superhero!
..is a comic loosely based off my real life! ... Okay so some parts are made up... I don't have super powers, But I do have incredible insight for a person with autism... I'm Myler A. R. Stringer and this comic focuses on many fictional people with disabilities, and a fictional conflict that weighs on them.
This comic is a LGBTQIA+ comic, that has no romance. The characters may or may not have romantic relationships, but as those are private affairs they are not seen, only spoken of. However, as there is much more to LGBTQIA+ than romance, there is still much of that. Many characters struggle with their gender identities, or face other LGBTQIA+ oppressions.
Current Chapters:
1: Pilot
2: Their Game
3: Glass Dragon
4: Dreams
5: Pulling Threads
6: Viral
7: Angels and Aliens
8: Counting Conspiracies
9: Gender
10: Summer Fun
11: Timelines
12: The Virus
13: Dreaming of You
14: Getting on the Same Page
15: True Gods
16: Past Life
17: Echo
In Progress Chapters:
18: Energy
19: Sick
20: Balance
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