1 episode
"The Blues Brothers in Nara Era Japan"
A pitch project we worked on in an attempt to get picked up by a company. Ultimately nothing came out of it. But it was fun in retrospect, and led to us working more on other smaller ancient Japanese type projects. These are the only 12 pages that exist for this, there's nothing more to come (unless it somehow picks up huge interest). We're putting here simply for back-up and to see what people think.
For more info, I wrote a retrospective here: http://comicthinking.tumblr.com/post/132150806486/wako-project-retrospective
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"The Blues Brothers in Nara Era Japan"
A pitch project we worked on in an attempt to get picked up by a company. Ultimately nothing came out of it. But it was fun in retrospect, and led to us working more on other smaller ancient Japanese type projects. These are the only 12 pages that exist for this, there's nothing more to come (unless it somehow picks up huge interest). We're putting here simply for back-up and to see what people think.
For more info, I wrote a retrospective here: http://comicthinking.tumblr.com/post/132150806486/wako-project-retrospective
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The Sisters
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