5 episodes
Episode 1
The House
Feb 12, 202232 views
Episode 2
The Random Stranger
Feb 12, 202222 views
Episode 3
The Best Advice
Feb 12, 202230 views
Episode 4
The Bridge under the Dark River
Feb 13, 2022157 views
Episode 5
The first Riddle
Feb 13, 202215 views
“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
― Patrick Rothfuss.
Fifteen years after surviving a homicide attempt, Camilla Wilson is back to Mount Khont. Her nightmare's house is now the last hope for her financial crise.
She was angry and lost. Only three days after burring her beloved father, she was informed that he was drowned in debts resulting in her losing the house and the little he had left as a heritage.
" It can be helpful after all." she murmured in a mocking tone remembering the face of her therapist. "F.ck you ol'man." Turning away from the passing view she adjusted her position in the very uncomfortable bus. A few minutes latter the bus started to shook a little, and she knew they were now passing thought the old bridge. " I am home." she whispered.
Under the bridge, at the very deep bottom of the dark river a twisted shadow smiled. " Finally."
The Unforgiven Chain is a twisted and very mature romance-suspense-scary novel. Read at your discretion.
Thank you for reading, keep in mind that English is NOT my first language and i am trying my best not to mess it up.
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“There are three things all wise men fear: the sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.”
― Patrick Rothfuss.
Fifteen years after surviving a homicide attempt, Camilla Wilson is back to Mount Khont. Her nightmare's house is now the last hope for her financial crise.
She was angry and lost. Only three days after burring her beloved father, she was informed that he was drowned in debts resulting in her losing the house and the little he had left as a heritage.
" It can be helpful after all." she murmured in a mocking tone remembering the face of her therapist. "F.ck you ol'man." Turning away from the passing view she adjusted her position in the very uncomfortable bus. A few minutes latter the bus started to shook a little, and she knew they were now passing thought the old bridge. " I am home." she whispered.
Under the bridge, at the very deep bottom of the dark river a twisted shadow smiled. " Finally."
The Unforgiven Chain is a twisted and very mature romance-suspense-scary novel. Read at your discretion.
Thank you for reading, keep in mind that English is NOT my first language and i am trying my best not to mess it up.
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