6 episodes
Episode 1
Baseball and Pictures
Aug 01, 2021267 views
Episode 2
Cavern Under the Falls
Aug 08, 2021129 views
Episode 3
Party Pooper
Aug 22, 2021114 views
Episode 4
Trick or Twist
Sep 06, 2021112 views
Episode 5
Closet Cases
Sep 19, 202185 views
Episode 6
Justin and Murray
Dec 26, 2021101 views
The Waterfall is rated PG-13, for alcohol, language, outdated terms, and suggestive content.
Patty Newman and her wife Tess are cleaning out her late grandfather’s house in 2023, when Patty finds a note from him written on the back of a picture, in which he reveals himself as bisexual. He tells her the location of a diary where she learns about how her grandfather, Murray, had a secret relationship with his best friend Fred in 1950s Oregon. After this revelation, the plot switches back and forth between 2023, where Patty and Tess are searching for more information, and the 1950s, where Fred and Murray navigate being in a very secretive male-male relationship during the age of McCarthyism.
Based on the Reedsy Prompt "Start your story with someone discovering a photograph that has something written on the back," from the July 23rd, 2021 contest.
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The Waterfall is rated PG-13, for alcohol, language, outdated terms, and suggestive content.
Patty Newman and her wife Tess are cleaning out her late grandfather’s house in 2023, when Patty finds a note from him written on the back of a picture, in which he reveals himself as bisexual. He tells her the location of a diary where she learns about how her grandfather, Murray, had a secret relationship with his best friend Fred in 1950s Oregon. After this revelation, the plot switches back and forth between 2023, where Patty and Tess are searching for more information, and the 1950s, where Fred and Murray navigate being in a very secretive male-male relationship during the age of McCarthyism.
Based on the Reedsy Prompt "Start your story with someone discovering a photograph that has something written on the back," from the July 23rd, 2021 contest.
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