4 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter One: The Irreparable Awakening. How does one decide it is a good day to commit suicide?
Mar 22, 202423 views
Episode 2
Chapter one, scene two.
Mar 22, 2024107 views
Episode 3
Chapter one, scene three
Apr 06, 202478 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1, Scene 4
Apr 14, 202444 views
[ENG Version]
A chaotic story that wanders stumbling among the thousands of stories that are woven in the city of Parnassós.
The initiation of a new veladora.
The conspiracies.
The indecisions.
The rain that never stops, no one knows why.
And the arrival of an elusive creature, who exists beyond time in all places and moments at the same time.
A coffee shop before the beginning and hidden after the death of the universe.
The Silence of the Veladora. C. 2019 is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
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[ENG Version]
A chaotic story that wanders stumbling among the thousands of stories that are woven in the city of Parnassós.
The initiation of a new veladora.
The conspiracies.
The indecisions.
The rain that never stops, no one knows why.
And the arrival of an elusive creature, who exists beyond time in all places and moments at the same time.
A coffee shop before the beginning and hidden after the death of the universe.
The Silence of the Veladora. C. 2019 is licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0
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