Sonic + Rosy - Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey
24 episodes
Episode 1
01 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 1
Apr 14, 20213.6k views
Episode 2
02 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 2
Apr 14, 20211.1k views
Episode 3
03 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 3
Apr 14, 2021850 views
Episode 4
04 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 4
Apr 17, 2021595 views
Episode 5
05 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 5
Apr 21, 2021603 views
Episode 6
06 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 6
Apr 24, 2021554 views
Episode 7
07 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 7
Apr 28, 2021344 views
Episode 8
08 - Rail Ruin Zone: Act 8
May 01, 2021353 views
Episode 9
09 - Archidemia Zone: Act 1
May 05, 2021401 views
Episode 10
10 - Archidemia Zone: Act 2
May 08, 2021343 views
Episode 11
11 - Archidemia Zone: Act 3
May 12, 2021315 views
Episode 12
12 - Archidemia Zone: Act 4
May 15, 2021345 views
Episode 13
13 - Archidemia Zone: Act 5
May 19, 2021295 views
Episode 14
14 - Archidemia Zone: Act 6
May 22, 2021321 views
Episode 15
15 - Archidemia Zone: Act 7
May 26, 2021271 views
Episode 16
16 - Archidemia Zone: Act 8
May 29, 2021282 views
Episode 17
17 - Storm Ghost Zone: Act 1
Jun 02, 2021241 views
Episode 18
18 - Storm Ghost Zone: Act 2
Jun 05, 2021289 views
Episode 19
19 - Storm Ghost Zone: Act 3
Jun 09, 2021267 views
Episode 20
20 - Storm Ghost Zone: Act 4
Jun 12, 2021263 views
One day Amy Rose awoke with almost none of her memories. She only remembered herself and Sonic, who told her they had to go to a mysterious planet in the sky. Donning a nearby leotard, and calling herself "Rosy", her old nickname, Amy chased after Sonic on this new adventure. But it was not like before. Sonic fully expended a Ring and shared his speed with Rosy, allowing her to keep pace ever after (with a little practice).
Completed series
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One day Amy Rose awoke with almost none of her memories. She only remembered herself and Sonic, who told her they had to go to a mysterious planet in the sky. Donning a nearby leotard, and calling herself "Rosy", her old nickname, Amy chased after Sonic on this new adventure. But it was not like before. Sonic fully expended a Ring and shared his speed with Rosy, allowing her to keep pace ever after (with a little practice).
Completed series
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Sonic Ring Bond
Novel Fantasy 36 likes
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Fans also read
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