One of the hardest things I've had to do as an artist is admit when I can't do something, and then give up on it. After so many hours spent on a project, trying and failing, it really hurts to just let go. But letting go is the only way you can move on sometimes. Specifically this past year I've tried my hand at my first comic, and even have ideas and stories for other comics as well. But, while I can write the story just fine, actually creating the panels, laying everything out, and then executing it is beyond me. I'm sorry for people who have been waiting for me to finish pages, I just can't keep saying I'll do it. So I'll release the story as a novel, and you will still get to see lots of awesome renders and scenes of the characters on my social media. Finally, I'll get some content out. Lots less stress.
Hey! So I didn't update last Saturday and I probably wont this Saturday because...long story short I'm preparing to take temporary custody of my little sister, so lots of drama in my life. Updates will resume..hopefully next week.
Hi! Long time no see! I haven't dissapeared because I've given up, I've just had a lot of work and a lot of things to think about. Since I'm so new at this comic stuff, it was inevitable that I would learn a lot along the way. Looking back now, I don't like the beginning of the comic and I've already started re-doing the pages I have posted. So, I'm going to delete the pages that are uploaded in the next few days. The plot hasn't changed, but I've just found a more interesting way to tell the story! I really hope you all like it. I'm also going to keep Patreon 10 pages ahead if you're interested: I think that's it! Be back in a few days to take the pages down and upload some new ones! :O :D
Okay, I'm ready to face the music. You might be wondering, gosh, where has this girl gone in the last 2 months?? Well, I ended up having to go on hiatus for a few reasons.
The first reason: No buffer?!
I started publishing this comic on a whim and because of that I had no extra pages to act as a buffer for when I get busy. But there are plenty of authors on here that don't have a buffer..
Second reason: Did I mention this is a 3d comic?
I'm a 3d artist and I really wanted to create this comic with that art form. Which means, if I don't have it modeled in 3d, I can't create the pages. So any time there's a new scene or new people, I have to create them in 3d space..which can be time consuming, but in the long run it will help things go much faster. There is a few new scenes coming up in the next few pages of my comic which require a lot of work.
Third reason: Big plans!!
2 Months ago, I decided that I'm going to purchase a 3d printer! In order to do that I've had to take on more work, leaving less time to work on Shattering Marbles. But once I purchase the 3d printer I'll be able to make printed figures of my 3d characters!! I'm excited and I hope you are too.
I hope to start uploading new pages soon!! :)
Hello!! I just wanted to let everyone know that there is a chance that the next update may be delayed because there is an issue with the oroville auxiliary dam spillway in my area and many areas have been evacuated. Currently yuba city has gone from mandatory, to voluntary evacuation, so I'm still in town with my bf. It's going to storm later in the week, and the dam will start to fill up . Everything is fine right now but I just wanted to let you know in case everything goes to crap in the next week. Also it's my birthday tomorrow, but I dont have plans anymore. D: Maybe I'll rush and try to get a page done today or tomorrow? idk.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone responsible for my very first tips!! That includes Lacazu, author of I Hate You and some other titles, TMR, and ariadne!!! Thank you so much I couldn't be happier! :D I'm going to try extra hard to get a page uploaded today for you all! <3 <3