Hello, everyone! THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who participated in Inksgiving this week!! I was so touched to see your lovely messages and support! >< Thank you all for supporting my comic! Have a great weekend <3
Hi guys! I'm so sorry it's been awhile, but I wanted to give some updates!
First of all, spooky season is nearly here, which means I am revving up again for this comic!! I truly love "Prince and the Raven," and keep wanting to make it what I hope it will be. I will not give up on it, even if I need time for other projects sometimes :)
I admit that this year, I needed a break from my comic as I became helplessly obsessed with drawing mxtx art over the spring and summer ^^; I simply needed some time to follow my heart and reignite my passion for drawing.
So while I did that, I also finally got the hang of maintaining social media as a business, which was a big weight on my mind. I was so anxious trying to do well on instagram, but I finally branched out to tiktok and twitter, which has lessened the pressure immensely!
I wish I could redo my old old pages, but currently I will do my best to RESUME UPDATES IN SEPTEMBER!!
Your support and comments truly do encourage me and keep me going, so I hope you'll continue to support this comic! ^^ Thank you all, I'll see you soon!!
Hello all! I sincerely apologize for my impromptu hiatus, but I'll slowly begin working again this weekend on P&R!
Last month took a big toll on my mental well being, and while I'm doing better, I have to take baby steps before I'm ready to run again. I still love this comic and want to be excited to work on it! I need to do more self care and encourage myself to get my confidence back up, but not to worry, I will be back soon!!
Sometimes when it comes to doing a comic, it's best to do it when you want to do it then do it when you feel you have to,. It becomes a job, it becomes stressful and then it makes you look at it with 'eh'.
So take care of yourself. You do you and be happy! We're here to support you. The real ones anyway. Not here to support another page popping out. you cant make good comics without good healthy artists!
Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't been on here in awhile. I was really overworked the past few weeks, and am recovering from burnout. I work two jobs and school, so it all got to be a bit much ><
I'm arranging to take a real vacation for personal projects, but in the meantime, you can check out this WIP bonus story on my Ko-Fi! (Viewable by everyone! :) Get a peek at what the Erlkonig (Elf King), was like before he met our friend Owen!
Thank you, you're always so sweet! 😊 <3 I truly love this comic and crowd on Tapas. I truly miss you guys when I'm away. It's my happy place, so I'll for sure be back when I have time to indulge myself!
Hey guys! Psst, wanna see the pencils of the next page of "The Prince and the Raven" early?
If you support me on Ko-Fi for as little as $3, you can see that and other extra art for the comic that I don't post here! (Don't forget to create an account so you can unlock it for 30 days ^^ ) Link here: https://ko-fi.com/9outofpen
Ko-Fi is like a less-pressure version of Patreon, where you can donate once to unlock certain things, or donate monthly to unlock others! But there's plenty of things viewable by everyone for fun extra content! (Like character designs for ELDER! O.O)
Happy Holidays to those celebrate, and even if you don't I hope you have a safe and warm couple of weeks! :) Thank you so much for joining me this year. Tapas really provides a pleasant escape for me, and I hope it does for you too!
I feel guilty for not sharing more last week for October, so here's a mock page of an upcoming scene from my Instagram! We don't do meet cutes here, someone's getting poisoned, or I'll eat my hat.
Enjoy, my beans! :)
As always, I appreciate all of my readers and am thinking of you guys even when I can't post. Your comments, ink and support help motivate me to make webcomics my full time job! Happy Spooky season <3
Hello my beans, thank you for reading "The Prince and the Raven" this year!! I'm so touched by all your sweet comments and support, it really means a lot to me! I want to do something special for ending the prologue, but I don't know what that should be. Any ideas? :)
With only 3-4 pages left of scene one, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on things and get some feedback! I'm already preparing to jump into the next scene, but first I'm curious:
-What makes "The Prince and the Raven" interesting for you storywise?
-What made you keep reading beyond the art?
(I've been studying character writing and good story arcs, so I'm thinking a lot about this stuff lol)
As always, feel free to contact me here, or on Instagram @9outofpen, and if you subscribe to my Ko-Fi page, I'm putting up penciled pages early! https://ko-fi.com/9outofpen
Aw, thank you so much! >//< May I ask what specifically interests you about them? Or what you're looking forward to in the future chapters? I'm genuinely curious since I only have two characters introduced so far (I'm sorry, I didn't imagine the prologue would be so long when I wrote it! lol)
I think the first episode with the intro to the world was really what convinced me to stay. The vibe I got was there was world-building as well as sense to the magic/supernatural going on. Also, the first character interaction we saw (for me at least) was different that what I had seen before and I couldn't foresee exactly what would happen. Basically, the start of the whole story was soothing yet stimulating, which was a nice combination. As for something "special," I had a short-lived fantasy about Owen meeting the Raven from Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven." Or you could do an episode of 9outofPen trying to draw/plan an episode? Whatever you do, your series is lovely and so fun to follow!!
@ReaderMeader- Thank you, this is very helpful! ^^ I'm so glad the pacing was alright! I worry about dragging things out too long lol. I myself tend to get bored if there isn't something deeper, so I try to incorporate that for readers. And thank you for the suggestions, I'll see what extras I can come up with! :)