5 episodes
Episode 1
Hourly Comic Day 2022
Feb 05, 2022485 views
Episode 2
Life With a Cat is Like… Ep. 1
Feb 06, 2022128 views
Episode 3
Things That Immediately Piss Me Off (Part One... Of Many)
Feb 19, 2022169 views
Episode 4
Absolute Utter Bullsh*t
Feb 28, 202293 views
Episode 5
ADHD Problems
Mar 08, 2022117 views
Hello and welcome to My Silly Little Life! My name is Kelsey, I am a 27 year old bisexual lady from a small town in Virginia. I'm married to my absolute best friend in this world, Alex, he'll show up in my comics almost as much as me! We have a very cute, very small very dumb cat named Patsy Cline who is absolutely hilarious. These comics are all about me living my silly little life, going to therapy once a week, trying to keep my inner ADHD goblin happy, and trying even harder to make it as an comics artist.
If you like easy reading, feel good, goofy, LGBT+ friendly, therapy positive, ADHD having, slice-of-life comics with a touch of emotional vulnerability, you will most likely love my work! I hope you decide to subscribe and stick around, I'm excited to share my silly little comic with you :)
Follow me on Instagram @kelseyrosecomics and @prismakelsey (this is where I share my non-comic work), and on Twitter @kelseyrosecomic (no s!)
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KelseyRoseComics (Archive)
Comic Slice of life 1.4k likes
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Humor me
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Deep Dark Fears
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Hey everyone! I'm sure you've all heard it before, but trying to be successful as an artist is REALLY HARD! Making money is so difficult, you have to have many channels of income to be successful, and I'm hoping to make this comic one of those channels. I appreciate each and every one of your support in viewing my comic, and I would appreciate it even more if you'd be so kind as to support me even further by giving me ink! I'm spending a lot of time during my social distancing break focusing on my comic and honing down the style I want, and it's reminding me just how much I want to do this full time! Any support and love you could give me would be amazing. Thank you all so much for being here, I really do love each and every one of you <3
Hello and welcome to My Silly Little Life! My name is Kelsey, I am a 27 year old bisexual lady from a small town in Virginia. I'm married to my absolute best friend in this world, Alex, he'll show up in my comics almost as much as me! We have a very cute, very small very dumb cat named Patsy Cline who is absolutely hilarious. These comics are all about me living my silly little life, going to therapy once a week, trying to keep my inner ADHD goblin happy, and trying even harder to make it as an comics artist.
If you like easy reading, feel good, goofy, LGBT+ friendly, therapy positive, ADHD having, slice-of-life comics with a touch of emotional vulnerability, you will most likely love my work! I hope you decide to subscribe and stick around, I'm excited to share my silly little comic with you :)
Follow me on Instagram @kelseyrosecomics and @prismakelsey (this is where I share my non-comic work), and on Twitter @kelseyrosecomic (no s!)
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KelseyRoseComics (Archive)
Comic Slice of life 1.4k likes
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Humor me
Comic Slice of life 2.9m likes
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Deep Dark Fears
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The Beehive
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Out of the Blue
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