3 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1: Prelude to War
Jun 27, 2021225 views
Episode 2
Chapter 2: The Meeting (Part 1)
Jul 10, 202178 views
Episode 3
Chapter 3: The Meeting (Part 2)
Jul 10, 202157 views
Superheroes. Once a comic book fantasy, now turned reality. In this world supers have been around for decades, but humanity is ever-changing. When a young girl with godlike powers emerges, those most powerful in the world are sure in for a wake-up call at just how weak they really are.
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Superheroes. Once a comic book fantasy, now turned reality. In this world supers have been around for decades, but humanity is ever-changing. When a young girl with godlike powers emerges, those most powerful in the world are sure in for a wake-up call at just how weak they really are.
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