134 episodes
Episode 1
1. The New Kid
Nov 30, 20205.7k views
Episode 2
2. The Project (1/2)
Nov 30, 20202.7k views
Episode 3
2. The Project (2/2)
Nov 30, 20202.5k views
Episode 4
3. Dreams (1/2)
Dec 01, 20202.3k views
Episode 5
3. Dreams (2/2)
Dec 01, 20202.3k views
Episode 6
4. Sad Topics
Dec 07, 20202.3k views
Episode 7
5. First Trip (1/2)
Dec 17, 20202.2k views
Episode 8
5. First Trip (2/2)
Dec 17, 20202.1k views
Episode 9
6. Sunburns (1/2)
Jan 01, 20212k views
Episode 10
6. Sunburns (2/2)
Jan 01, 20212.1k views
Episode 11
7. Makeover (1/2)
Jan 07, 20212.2k views
Episode 12
7. Makeover (2/2)
Jan 07, 20212.2k views
Episode 13
8. Internal Struggles (1/2)
Jan 14, 20212.2k views
Episode 14
8. Internal Struggles (2/2)
Jan 14, 20212.1k views
Episode 15
9. Raging Forest (1/2)
Mar 02, 20212k views
Episode 16
9. Raging Forest (2/2)
Mar 02, 20212k views
Episode 17
10. Project Compromised (1/2)
Apr 12, 20212k views
Episode 18
10. Project Compromised (2/2)
Apr 12, 20211.9k views
Episode 19
11. The Quarterback (1/2)
Apr 15, 20212k views
Episode 20
11. The Quarterback (2/2)
Apr 15, 20211.9k views
The new, geeky kid in school gets partnered with a popular jock in biology. He believes that geeks and jocks can't be friends - until this particular jock proves him wrong. And there may be something even better in the air...
After his family moves across the country, Sky has to start his life all over again in an unfamiliar environment. Without any friends or people who shares his passion for nature, he believes he is facing a lonely life, until he is being partnered with a popular athlete, Max, in biology.
Becoming friends with Max is more than Sky could've asked for, but he also makes friends with Troy, the always cheerful best friend of Max, and even with the grumpy quarterback, Luke.
But Sky will soon find out it is not just friendship that ties them all together...
Completed series
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Your support truly means the world to me, whether it is reading, liking, commenting, spending ink and/or telling a friend, I will be forever grateful to you for giving me and my stories a chance <3
Writing has always been my passion, the love of my life, and becoming a full-time author has always been my goal in life, so I am honored to have you here, supporting me while I take these steps closer to that goal <3
The new, geeky kid in school gets partnered with a popular jock in biology. He believes that geeks and jocks can't be friends - until this particular jock proves him wrong. And there may be something even better in the air...
After his family moves across the country, Sky has to start his life all over again in an unfamiliar environment. Without any friends or people who shares his passion for nature, he believes he is facing a lonely life, until he is being partnered with a popular athlete, Max, in biology.
Becoming friends with Max is more than Sky could've asked for, but he also makes friends with Troy, the always cheerful best friend of Max, and even with the grumpy quarterback, Luke.
But Sky will soon find out it is not just friendship that ties them all together...
Completed series
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The Mouse and The Wolf
Novel BL 78k likes
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What Makes a Monster
Novel BL 72.9k likes
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Novel BL 15.1k likes
Fans also read
Blood Moon
Novel BL 46.6k likes
Fans also read
Last I Saw You (on hold)
Novel BL 737 likes
Fans also read
Spirits and Crowns
Novel LGBTQ+ 8k likes
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