Whisper of the Fates: Itaewon Chronicles Book 1
10 episodes
Episode 1
Episode 1: Pebbles to Path
Feb 03, 202339 views
Episode 2
Episode 2: Catdopepillar to Betterfly
Feb 03, 20238 views
Episode 3
Episode 3: The Clarion Call
Feb 03, 20234 views
Episode 4
Episode 4: The Clarion Call II
Feb 06, 20235 views
Episode 5
Episode 5: Game, Set...
Feb 06, 20234 views
Episode 6
Episode 6: First Day Jitters
Feb 08, 20233 views
Episode 7
Episode 7: Brooks Become Streams
Feb 25, 20231 view
Episode 8
Episode 8: Like Sand Through Fingers
Feb 27, 20231 view
Episode 9
Episode 9: Gala Del Luna
Feb 28, 20236 views
Episode 10
Episode 10: RSVP Vengeance +1
Feb 28, 20235 views
Come, come along as we embark on an odyssey of epic proportions in this series. You will see the perceived and unseen collide as the threads weaved upon their spindle and the hourglass assail vigorously during our time together. The eternity of the earth realm is in the hands of two soulmates who have been separated from one another for millennia through the ages, ruled for eons by the Shadow Mongers, in this race against the sands of time. In the struggle for all humankind's souls, the light has grown stronger and its forces have been strengthened so that they can defeat the dark realm. You'll long for more in this story of fantasy, romance, mystery, and action. Join us three fated sisters as we navigate you mortals through the webs that bridge the vailed world and the world that your conscious perceives as real. You have been chosen to witness the reunion of souls, the bridging of culture, and a love like you have only hope could truly exist in all of the multiverse of space and time. Stay close now, wouldn't want you to slip into reality and lose yourselves past, present, and future.
Disclaimer: Content is strictly for audiences 18+. Parental Advisory warning.
This work is protected by copyright laws and we prohibit unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sharing. Any unauthorized use, duplication, or sharing may be punishable by law pertaining to copyright protection, intellectual properties, etc.
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Come, come along as we embark on an odyssey of epic proportions in this series. You will see the perceived and unseen collide as the threads weaved upon their spindle and the hourglass assail vigorously during our time together. The eternity of the earth realm is in the hands of two soulmates who have been separated from one another for millennia through the ages, ruled for eons by the Shadow Mongers, in this race against the sands of time. In the struggle for all humankind's souls, the light has grown stronger and its forces have been strengthened so that they can defeat the dark realm. You'll long for more in this story of fantasy, romance, mystery, and action. Join us three fated sisters as we navigate you mortals through the webs that bridge the vailed world and the world that your conscious perceives as real. You have been chosen to witness the reunion of souls, the bridging of culture, and a love like you have only hope could truly exist in all of the multiverse of space and time. Stay close now, wouldn't want you to slip into reality and lose yourselves past, present, and future.
Disclaimer: Content is strictly for audiences 18+. Parental Advisory warning.
This work is protected by copyright laws and we prohibit unauthorized use, duplication, distribution, or sharing. Any unauthorized use, duplication, or sharing may be punishable by law pertaining to copyright protection, intellectual properties, etc.
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