6 episodes
Episode 1
Jul 21, 2019265 views
Episode 2
Part 1: Where is he?
Jul 28, 201991 views
Episode 3
Part 2: December
Aug 04, 201982 views
Episode 4
Part 3: There's so much left for you
Aug 11, 2019109 views
Episode 5
Part 4: Forever
Aug 18, 2019109 views
Episode 6
Part 5: No!
Aug 25, 201995 views
It wasn't supposed to end like this... we were supposed to be together. He said we would be together. Why did this have to happen?! I can't lose him! I need him.
This story is based off a song. Make it a personal challenge to figure out which and PM me. (If you want) Additionally, I apologize for the crappy story.
A/N: This is a new story. I suck at writing. Just a fair warning. Make the most of your loved ones. You don't know how long you have left with them. Love them. Show them you care. This could happen to anyone. It doesn't matter who you are. There will be people who support you.
IF you carry hate, get the hell out of this story. GO AWAY. IF you don't, well great. Welcome! I will not tolerate hate. Constructive criticism is allowed.
Let's get on with this story!
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It wasn't supposed to end like this... we were supposed to be together. He said we would be together. Why did this have to happen?! I can't lose him! I need him.
This story is based off a song. Make it a personal challenge to figure out which and PM me. (If you want) Additionally, I apologize for the crappy story.
A/N: This is a new story. I suck at writing. Just a fair warning. Make the most of your loved ones. You don't know how long you have left with them. Love them. Show them you care. This could happen to anyone. It doesn't matter who you are. There will be people who support you.
IF you carry hate, get the hell out of this story. GO AWAY. IF you don't, well great. Welcome! I will not tolerate hate. Constructive criticism is allowed.
Let's get on with this story!
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