47 episodes
Episode 1
Honey Bee
Mar 02, 20231.1k views
Episode 2
Prologue - Any Day Now
Apr 19, 2023497 views
Episode 3
Track. 1 - Euphoria
Apr 19, 2023443 views
Episode 4
Track. 2 - Player
Apr 20, 2023287 views
Episode 5
Track. 3 -Addict
Apr 21, 2023382 views
Episode 6
Track. 4 - Fog
Apr 24, 2023324 views
Episode 7
Track. 5 - Wolfish Charm
Apr 25, 2023311 views
Episode 8
Track. 6 - Sick
Apr 26, 2023350 views
Episode 9
Track. 7 - Chew Toy
May 03, 2023319 views
Episode 10
EP - Honey
May 03, 2023325 views
Episode 11
Track 8. - Ignorance is Bliss
May 11, 2023295 views
Episode 12
Track. 9 - Pale Prince
May 11, 2023353 views
Episode 13
Track. 10 - Rockin’ Fangs
May 17, 2023351 views
Episode 14
Track. 11 - Binge Eater
Jun 01, 2023323 views
Episode 15
Track. 12 - Paper Cuts
Jun 01, 2023337 views
Episode 16
Track. 13 - Colorful Language
Jun 21, 2023318 views
Episode 17
Track. 14 - Clear Closet Confessions
Jul 06, 2023362 views
Episode 18
Track. 15 - Dead Dreams
Nov 21, 2023300 views
Episode 19
Track. 16 - Little Advice
Nov 25, 2023285 views
Episode 20
Track. 17 - New Light
Dec 05, 2023286 views
Tommy and Toby achieve their childhood dream of starting a band and rocking out in front of an audience. On the night of their last performance, before two of their members head off to college, Tommy meets Keagan, the school's star soccer player who isn't quite what he seems.
Keagan’s brother has been trapped in a nine-year-long coma. Keagan has constantly been struggling with thoughts and nightmares of his brother never waking up again. As he works to hide his hardships from his caring adoptive parents and friends while balancing school and soccer Keagan starts to fall apart at the seams and the last thing he needs is some human boy waltzing in and destroying the walls he’s tried so hard to keep up for years.
(Honey Bee Sequel! Can be read as a stand-alone.)
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It's unfair that Tapas took away free ink ads! Please don't spend money on me! I'm not on here for money I just genuinely enjoy writing and sharing my stories. It would mean far more to me if you left me a kind comment on one of my chapters! <3
Tommy and Toby achieve their childhood dream of starting a band and rocking out in front of an audience. On the night of their last performance, before two of their members head off to college, Tommy meets Keagan, the school's star soccer player who isn't quite what he seems.
Keagan’s brother has been trapped in a nine-year-long coma. Keagan has constantly been struggling with thoughts and nightmares of his brother never waking up again. As he works to hide his hardships from his caring adoptive parents and friends while balancing school and soccer Keagan starts to fall apart at the seams and the last thing he needs is some human boy waltzing in and destroying the walls he’s tried so hard to keep up for years.
(Honey Bee Sequel! Can be read as a stand-alone.)
Completed series
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