11 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1 - ORDER & WOLF pt 1
Jul 09, 202121 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 - ORDER & WOLF pt 2
Jul 09, 20217 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1 - ORDER & WOLF pt 3
Jul 09, 20215 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2 - Kyanite The Kemonomimi
Jul 09, 20213 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2 - Kyanite The Kemonomimi pt 2
Jul 09, 20211 view
Episode 6
Chapter 3 - They Attack! Army Of Jarel
Jul 09, 20210 views
Episode 7
Chapter 3 - They Attack! Army Of Jarel pt 2
Jul 09, 20210 views
Episode 8
Chapter 4 - The Uncommonly Trio: The Wolf, Witch and the Cowardly
Jul 12, 20210 views
Episode 9
Chapter 4 - The Uncommonly Trio: The Wolf, Witch and the Cowardly pt2
Jul 12, 20212 views
Episode 10
Chapter 5 -The Transcenders Of Worlds pt1
Jul 18, 202165 views
Episode 11
Chapter 5 -The Transcenders Of Worlds pt1- 2
Jul 18, 202157 views
The legend goes that their was once a great King among the four great kingdoms in the land of Eadaron. He ensured that all the lands were all taken care alongside its people. However where ever there is light there is also darkness... One dreadful night the king would suddenly find himself poisoned so much that it took his life, leaving the lands in search of answers.
With no true king among the lands conflict broke out upon the four kingdoms in a never ending war for control over all the lands. Leaving many in their way slaughtered, taken hostage, or tortured until the end of time.
Upon one casual day a teenager living on the Paradise Islands, while out on his way home from work would suddenly spot a dog running away in fear. Curious to see what was going on with the the dog he chases out it and comes to a dead end. Spotting an open manhole, quickly thinking the dog may have fallen in he rushes in after to rescue the dog. Once he opened his eyes he would would shortly realize he has been taken to a unknown land, the land of Eadaron.
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The legend goes that their was once a great King among the four great kingdoms in the land of Eadaron. He ensured that all the lands were all taken care alongside its people. However where ever there is light there is also darkness... One dreadful night the king would suddenly find himself poisoned so much that it took his life, leaving the lands in search of answers.
With no true king among the lands conflict broke out upon the four kingdoms in a never ending war for control over all the lands. Leaving many in their way slaughtered, taken hostage, or tortured until the end of time.
Upon one casual day a teenager living on the Paradise Islands, while out on his way home from work would suddenly spot a dog running away in fear. Curious to see what was going on with the the dog he chases out it and comes to a dead end. Spotting an open manhole, quickly thinking the dog may have fallen in he rushes in after to rescue the dog. Once he opened his eyes he would would shortly realize he has been taken to a unknown land, the land of Eadaron.
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